
Fraction Insets DIY

Fraction Insets 🍕

Materials for Lessons

Introducing the Fraction Insets

Writing Fractions

Making Quantities with Fractions

Exploring Equivalences

Introducing the Numerator and the Denominator

Basic Operations with Fractions + - x ÷

Addition With Same Denominator

Subtraction With Same Denominator

Multiplication of Fraction by Whole Number

Division of Fraction by Whole Number

Intro to Reducing Fractions

Converting an Improper Fraction to a Proper Fraction


Division of Fraction by Whole Number

Advanced Operations with Fractions
+ - x ÷

Addition and Subtraction with Different Denominators

Finding the Lowest Common Denominator

Abstraction and Going Beyond the Materials

Multiplication of a Whole Number by a Fraction

Multiplication of a Fraction by a Fraction

Abstraction and Going Beyond the Materials


Division of a Whole Number by a Fraction

Division of a Fraction by a Fraction 

Addition with Different Denominators

