Learn How to Teach
Math That Makes Sense

...the absorption of mathematical knowledge can be natural, easy, and a source of joy; the joy of one who discovers in himself powers that he had not even suspected...

Dr. Maria Montessori

What is the Mathessori Curriculum Library?

The Mathessori Curriculum Library is virtually the entire Montessori math sequence a for children ages 3-7.

Yes, entire. It is everything you need to know about teaching your child math in a developmentally friendly way.

  • Full written lesson write-ups in conversational style
  • Over 50 presentation videos
  • Flowcharts showing the flow of lesson sequence
  • Access to Printables Library featuring task cards, DIY templates, flowcharts, and printables.

What will my child learn with Mathessori?

In the introductory, your 2.5-4 year old child will be introduced to concept of quantities and number symbols. They will build their number sense and become masters at "seeing" quantities up to 10. While this sounds like nothing, trust us on this, this is the core of future success. This is the year of building foundations. They will also be introduced to place value and start building numbers into the thousands. Yes, literally building. The core of the Montessori philosophy is to connect the hands to the mind.

In year two, your 4-5.5 child will expand build on top of the foundations. They will solidify their experience of place value through lots of fun hands-on games and play. Sometime this year, they will begin their sensorial exploration of the four operations with the golden beads, learning the functions of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division and eventually working their way through the Passage of Abstraction to using more abstract materials and begin their journey in learning math facts. Now, they will learn to skip count as a preparation for multiplication, count to 1000, and create squares and cubes of numbers.

In year three, your 5.5-7 year old child will move on to the next stage of abstraction and continue on working with all four operations, both in a functional way while starting to memorize math facts with hands-on manipulative materials, charts, and games. Every step they take will bring them closer to working with operations on paper with true and deep understanding. They will be introduced to fractions and 

Who is Mathessori for?

It's for you if...

  • You are willing to invest time, money, and energy in your child's education.
  • You're not looking for a short cut
  • You're willing to change the way you think about learning and education 
  • You are willing to adapt Montessori to the home and are flexible. 

It's not for your if...

  • You not interested in investing the time, money, and energy needed.
  • You are looking for a quick and easy short cut to teach your child.
  • You need and crave worksheets to feel in control.
  • You want to mimic the classroom environment at home

If you know that feeling, say hello to...

You get access to complete lesson plans that tell you what to do step-by-step, literally from A-Z. You'll go from knowing nothing about how to teach your child numbers the Montessori way to becoming a pro at it. You won't be playing the guesswork game, browsing the internet, trying to come up with 50 different activities, reading 100 different albums with varying sequences and lesson plans. We keep it simple, with a bit of sugar and spice and everything nice.

We provide you with a printable DIY library full of materials that you'll need so you can FOCUS on being with your kids and not worrying about planning and making decisions that leave you fatigued. Our DIY instructions are simple, not complicated. The printables are exactly what you'll need and nothing more. Frankly, we're not about excessiveness, and we like to keep it simple.


You'll get access to clear instructions on how to introduce concepts in written or video format. Yes, the internet is full of this, we are well aware, but we doubt anyone's got Montessori math lesson plans actually written with the home educator in mind or with all the detailed pictures and videos. We guarantee that our approach surpasses almost every other free or paid album out there!


You don't need ALL those fancy expensive materials your child doesn't care about, you only need some. We show you how to use what you have at home and make your own materials and when you should just not attempt a DIY and just buy a material.

The DIY Printable Library is an ongoing process and there's new materials being uploaded regularly!

It's only $167/Lifetime access, what are you waiting for!?

So what are you getting exactly?

Montessori math is like no other! It is THE way to learn and teach math. With the Mathessori Membership, you will be able to give your child a SOLID foundation in math. Remember the days when you learned math? Unless you were just really good at it, chances are you really struggled. Most math in school is taught abstractly without a concrete foundation.

This is where Montessori math is so radically different from every other curriculum out there. It starts out by engaging the child's senses and introducing some really difficult concepts with hands on visuals that give the child the experience of feeling and touching an idea before internalizing it. Through out the three year curriculum, the child is guided through the process of understanding an idea concretely with the golden beads to abstractly solving problems on the bead frame and then finally, on paper. 

The membership is a full curriculum that you can confidently follow. You're going to learn what the Three Period Games are, how to introduce every lesson, how to tailor lessons to your own home environment instead of trying to be a Montessori classroom, and wayyy more. 

We will also guide you through the material making process and show you what you will need and what kind of creative solutions you can come up with without spending millions of dollars (save that in your educational funding piggy bank for other cool things... like a golden bead set perhaps ????) and access to exclusive discounts to math materials you just should NOT attempt to make yourself. 

We're going to show you step-by-step, how you can take a child from counting from 1 all the way to solving multi-digit division and multiplication problems in the most fun way possible!

Copyright 2020 Mathessori®
