Bundle 6

Kits 4 and 5

Is your child ready for the next passage of abstraction but still needs to brush up on all those math facts? This bundle includes everything they need to be challenged all while reviewing and memorizing the math facts they need to keep moving on. Includes everything from kits 4 and 5. To see detailed images and description of what's in each kit, visit the individual kit page: Kit 4 and Kit 5. Appropriate for ages 5 and up. Preorder now for a mid-July to early August delivery.


All Materials Included

The kits come with all the materials you could possibly need on this journey. Stop wasting your time walking in circles trying to figure out where you should buy expensive materials, trying to figure out what you will need exactly and let us take care of it for you. Every kit comes with materials that are designed with the home environment in mind. 

Video & Picture Lesson Guides

Put the days of trying to figure out how to present a lesson behind you. We know how much time it takes to wade through the plethora of content online showing you how to use materials With the kits, you get access to a complete library of lessons, simplified for you to easily understand and implement, so that you can spend more time with your kids instead of with your albums.

Kit Breakdown

Kit 4

  • Addition Folder with Charts + Equation and Number Tiles
  • Multiplication Folder with Charts + Equation and Number Tiles
  • Subtraction Folder with Charts + Equation and Number Tiles
  • Division Folder with Charts + Equation and Number Tiles
  • Addition and Subtraction Strip Boards with Strips
  • Black and Gray Bead Stairs
  • Decanomial Box
  • Multiplication Board with Marbles

Kit 5

  • Hybrid Small and Large Bead Frame
  • Division Mats
  • Complete Set of Marbles and Skittles
  • Racks and Tubes
  • Tray